Municipality of the District of Clare
Wednesday, October 12, 2022, at 7:00 pm
Meeting held at 1185 Highway 1, Little Brook

PRESENT: Council: Warden Yvon LeBlanc, Deputy Warden Eric Pothier, Councillors Nil Doucet, Danny Hill, Philippe Gaudet, Carl Deveau and Nadine Comeau
Staff: CAO, Stephane Cyr, and Executive Assistant, Nicole Comeau
Presenters: Dave Doucette and Shawn Craven, CFFA
ABSENT: Councillor Brian Comeau

1) Call to Order
Warden Yvon LeBlanc called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm.

2) Approval of the Agenda
Councillor Nil Doucet asked that the following addition be made to the agenda, under New Business:

  • 3 Dangerous and Unsightly – Fish Plant in Bas-de-la-Rivière

The CAO asked that the following additions be made to the agenda, under New Business:

  • 4 Letter of Support – Mayor Pam Mood, Town of Yarmouth (regarding the CAT Ferry)
  • 5 Change Order - Flood Line Mapping Project
  • 6 Memorandum of Understanding – Fishing Gear Coalition of Atlantic Canada

The Warden asked that the following addition be made to the agenda, In-Camera:

  • 1 Acquisition and Sale of Municipal Property

MOVED BY Councillor Danny Hill and SECONDED BY Councillor Carl Deveau that the proposed agenda be approved with the above noted additions.

3) Declaration of Conflict of Interest.
None declared.

4) Presentations
4.1 Fire Truck Purchases - Dave Doucette and Shawn Craven, CFFA
Dave Doucette and Shawn Craven presented a series of proposed revisions to the Municipality’s current plan to replace aging fire trucks. (See attached)

Councillor Carl Deveau thanked the CFFA and its members for their service to the community.

Councillor Danny Hill thank the Saint Bernard and Havelock Fire Departments for developing this plan.

Council thanked Mr. Doucette and Mr. Craven for the presentation, indicating that it would consider the request and render its decision prior to the CFFA’s November 2022 meeting.

5) Staff Reports
5.1 Financial Update – Stephane Cyr, Chief Administrative Officer
The CAO provided an overview of the Municipality’s financial position. (See attached)

6) Business arising from Previous Meetings

7) New Business
7.1 RFP Project Management Services - Clare Health Centre Expansion    
An RFP was issued for project management services for the proposed Clare Health Centre expansion. The closing date was October 11, 2022. A total of three bids were received. After a thorough review of the bids, the CAO is recommending Council accept the proposal from Grey Cardinal Management Inc. in the amount of $87,720 plus HST. Council agreed and made the following motion to recommend:

PROPOSED BY Deputy Warden Eric Pothier and SECONDED BY Councillor Philippe Gaudet that the Council for the Municipality of the District of Clare recommend accepting the proposal from Grey Cardinal Management Inc., in the amount of $87,720 plus HST, for project management services during the proposed expansion to the Clare Health Centre.

  •  Letter of Support - Far out Festival

The Far Out Festival has requested a letter from Council in support of its funding application to Canadian Heritage. Council agreed to the request and made the following motion to recommend:

PROPOSED BY Councillor Carl Deveau and SECONDED BY Councillor Danny Hill that the Council for the Municipality of the District of Clare recommend sending a letter to the Far Out Festival in support of their application for funding to Canadian Heritage.

  • Dangerous and Unsightly – Bas-de-la-Rivière Fish Plant

Councillor Nil Doucet has been approached by several residents in Bas-de-la-Rivière frustrated with the delays in cleaning up the site of a local fish plant which was destroyed by fire. The site was previously the subject of an active police investigation, thus the reason for the delay. The CAO will verify with the local RCMP detachment to confirm whether that is still the case. If the investigation is concluded, the Municipality will take action under its Dangerous and Unsightly By-law.

7.4 Letter of Support – Mayor Pam Mood, Town of Yarmouth (regarding the CAT Ferry)
In light of recent comments made by the Premier of Nova Scotia, the Honourable Tim Houston, Mayor Pam Mood (Town of Yarmouth) is seeking letters from municipalities throughout Nova Scotia in support of the Nova Scotia to Maine ferry service. Council reviewed the request and made the following motion to recommend:

PROPOSED BY Deputy Warden Eric Pothier and SECONDED BY Councillor Carl Deveau that the Council for the Municipality of the District of Clare recommend sending a letter to the Premier of Nova Scotia, the Honourable Tim Houston, in support of the Nova Scotia to Maine ferry service.

7.5 Change Order - Flood Line Mapping
The Municipality of Clare and the Province of Nova have requested an amendment to the scope of the original contract to include more coastline and parts of the Salmon River Watershed. The proposed amendment will yield more complete flood mapping data for the Municipality. That said, it will also yield a $44,615 increase to the contract price, from $80,647 to $125,262. As was the case with the original contract, the Province has committed to paying 100% of this amount. No costs will be incurred by the Municipality. Council agreed with the proposed change order and made the following motion to recommend:

PROPOSED BY Councillor Carl Deveau and SECONDED BY Councillor Philippe Gaudet that the Council for the Municipality of the District of Clare recommend accepting the proposed change order to the provincially funded Flood Line Mapping contract with WSP, including an increase to the contract price of $80,647 to $125,262.

7.6 Memorandum of Understanding - Fishing Gear Coalition of Atlantic Canada
The Municipality of Clare was approached by the Fishing Gear Coalition of Atlantic Canada to enter into a memorandum of understanding in support of said organisation’s efforts to recycle both used lobster traps and rope used in commercial fishing activities. Locally, the Municipality’s of Digby, Yarmouth, Argyle, Barrington, and the Town of Yarmouth have already signed this MOU. HRM and CBRM are also engaged in this effort. Council made the following motion to recommend:

PROPOSED BY Councillor Carl Deveau and SECONDED BY Councillor Danny Hill that the Council for the Municipality of the District of Clare recommend signing a memorandum of understanding with the Fishing Gear Coalition of Atlantic Canada in support of said organisation’s efforts to recycle both used lobster traps and rope used in commercial fishing activities.

8) Questions and Comments from the Public

9) Closed Session

MOVED BY Councillor Nil Doucet SECONDED BY Deputy Warden Eric Pothier that Council proceed to an In-Camera Session.

Topics Discussed:
9.1 Acquisition and Sale of Municipal Property

PROPOSED BY Councillor Nil Doucet and SECONDED BY Deputy Warden Eric Pothier that Council proceed to the Regular Council Meeting.

10) Date and Time of the Next Council-in-Committee Meeting
The next Council-in-Committee Meeting will be held on Wednesday, November 2, 2022, at 7:00 pm.

11) Adjournment

PROPOSED BY Councillor Nil Doucet to adjourn the meeting at 8:40 pm.

Submitted by
Nicole Comeau,
Executive Assistant