Pickling is something special for me because it is a family time that allowed me to learn how to make pickles. Plus, the basic recipe is so simple AND you can pickle anything you like!


1 part sugar
3 parts vinegar
Pickling spice
Food of your choice to pickle (cucumbers, beets, hot dogs, etc.)

*In the picture: sausages, salted herring and hot dogs


For sausages, boil them until cooked. For salted herring, remove bones and skin. Cut the pickling food, as well as onions, into small pieces. Boil vinegar, sugar and spices until the sugar is dissolved. Allow the mixture to cool. Disinfect the canning jars with boiling water. Spoon the food into the disinfected jars and fill with vinegar mixture. Leave to marinate for at least a few days. Keep in a cool dark place and refrigerate once opened.