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- Unless it is otherwise provided, and subject to the direction and control of the Council and Warden, the Clerk shall have the general custody and control of the Municipal property and of property subject to the management of the Municipal
- This By-Law shall apply to any land or building owned by the
- No person shall trespass in or upon lands or buildings owned by the Municipality, except as hereinafter
- No person shall leave a vehicle, whether attended or unattended, in or upon property owned by the Municipality, except as hereinafter
- No person shall leave any animal or animals, whether attended or unattended, in or upon lands or buildings owned by the
- The Municipal Council may make Regulations from time to time for the hours of use of lands or buildings owned by the Municipality, and shall display the said Regulations along with all other Regulations as may from time to time be made in relations to the use of said lands or buildings in prominent places in the areas to which the said Regulations shall
- Any By-Law Enforcement Officer, on discovering a motor vehicle, either attended or unattended, in or upon lands or buildings owned by the Municipality, not being there in accordance with the provisions of the By- Law or Regulations made under the By-Law, shall cause the motor vehicle to be removed and retained in a suitable place and the cost of such removal and retention shall be at the expenses of the owner
- Any By-Law Enforcement Officer, on discovering any animal or animals, whether attended or unattended, in or upon lands or buildings owned by the Municipality, shall cause the owner or persons in charge of such animal or animals to remove the same, and upon the failure or refusal to do so, may cause the animal or animals to be impounded in accourdance with the By-Laws of the
- Any person who:
- Destroys or damages or causes to be destroyed or damaged any property owned by or under the care of the Municipality;
- Removes or causes to be removed any soil, gravel, trees, sand or stones from land of or under the care of the Municipality or;
- Deposits or causes to be desposited any soil, stones, sand, gravel, garbage, filth, refuse or other material on lands owned by or under the care of the Municipality; shall be liable for a penalty under this By-Law, upon conviction by a court of compentent jurisdiction.
- Any person who:
- Causes an obstruction in any public place, way or street; or
- Places or causes to be placed on buildings or fence any obstruction in such manner that it projects into or over any public place, way or street; shall, upon notice being served upon him, or posted on the property, remove the encroaching building or fence.
- Where a person 'fails to remove and encroaching building or fence under the provisions of Sub-section (1) the Council may order it removed at the expense of the owner in default, and where the person in default does not pay the expenses on demand, the Municipality may recover such expenses by an action in its name for debt in any Court of competent jurisdiction and in addition, at the Court's discretion, be ordered to make restitution of any damage done.
- Any person who:
- Any person, who violates any provisions of this By-Law or any Regulation pursuant to Section 6 on conviction shall be guilty of an of- fence and liable to a penalty not exceeding Two Hundred ($200.00) Dollars and in default of payment imprisionment for a period not exceeding twenty (20) days, and in addition, at the Court's discretion, be ordered to make restitution of an any damage done.